Cards in deck -/10 -> 40-43 = 10/10, 44-47 = 5/10, - 1 pt for each card over 47
Rulings knowlage -/10
Originality -/10
Consistency of deck -/10
Focus of Duel 10/10
Attitude -/5
Misplays -/20 -> -3pts for each misplay
Results of duel: -/25 -> 2 wins=25/25 1 win = 15/25 0 wins = 0/25
Envoy Dark 81 - 100
Obelisk Blue 61 - 80
Ra Yellow 41 - 60
Slifer Red 40 or less
Tester and Testee no stall burn mill ftk or exodia decks
Testers when you post results make sure to post date so in 1 week they can get a re-test